What to do in Palm Grove

Activities, attractions and tours

Palm Grove Tourist Attractions & Activities

If you’re searching for an exciting holiday, count on Expedia.com.au to help you find interesting attractions, enlightening experiences, and tons of other fun things to do in Palm Grove AU$30. From first-rate tours to incredible deals on sightseeing trips – our extensive selection of local things to do and places to visit is just a few clicks away.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re travelling alone, alongside your main squeeze, or with your favourite friends or family members, Expedia has the inside scoop on what to see and do while in this corner of the world. And our search tool makes it simple to score the best deals around. So regardless of if you are on a tight budget or prefer to spare no expense, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for by browsing over 68 activities in Palm Grove, Queensland.

The intuitive booking system here on Expedia.com.au makes planning your holiday easier—and more affordable—than ever before. And not only can you discover all the best Palm Grove attractions from AU$30, but you can also book flights, hire cars, and reserve hotel rooms all in just a few moments. A world of wonder awaits you and your travelling companions. Count on Expedia.com.au to help you plan the holiday of your dreams, and you’ll have the time of your life.

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Top places to visit

1. Airlie Beach Lagoon

Airlie Beach Lagoon is a safe and relaxing swimming spot in the heart of the township, where you can play and swim in the clear waters and enjoy the pretty tropical surroundings. Known affectionately to visitors and locals as “the lagoon,” this sheltered man-made pool has been a favored meeting place since 2001 and combines elements of a natural lagoon to create an enticing and secure environment to unwind.
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Airlie Beach Lagoon which includes a pool, tropical scenes and swimming

2. Port of Airlie

Boasting year-round warm weather, subtropical waters, shops, restaurants and accommodations, the Port of Airlie can be seen as a destination in itself, although most visitors come here to take a trip out to the Whitsunday Islands and Great Barrier Reef.
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Port of Airlie which includes a bay or harbour

3. Catseye Beach

Catseye Beach is a perfect crescent of sand overlooking the royal-blue reefs and forested mountains of Whitsunday Island, making it a popular backdrop for weddings. Regarded as one of Hamilton Island’s premier beach destinations, Catseye Beach is a convenient and scenic spot to spend the day soaking up the sun’s rays or exploring the magnificent shoreline. Swim in the shallows, paddle along the coastline in a kayak, skipper a catamaran or grab your snorkel and mask and discover the picturesque shores of Catseye Beach.
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Catseye Beach which includes a beach and sailing as well as a small group of people

4. Hamilton Island Marina

The Hamilton Island Marina is a convenient place to launch your voyage into the breathtaking Whitsunday Islands or stopover for a relaxing stay in a waterfront villa. With spacious berths for yachts and super yachts, the marina is fitted out with state-of-the-art facilities and professional boat care specialists. Alternatively, jump on board one of the passenger ferries or charter tours that depart from the Hamilton Island Marina to explore Airlie Beach, Whitehaven Beach, the Great Barrier Reef or the Whitsunday Islands.
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Hamilton Island Marina featuring a bay or harbour, boating and landscape views

5. Coral Sea Marina

With its elegant waterfront village and unbeatable yachting facilities, Abell Point Marina is the premier marina destination in the Whitsunday region. The marina offers a welcoming berth to cruising and boating visitors, as well as a chic spot for callers from Airlie Beach to enjoy the fantastic cafés and restaurants. Begin your boating adventure around some of the Whitsundays’ 74 islands or embark on a trip bound for the Great Barrier Reef from this state-of-the-art marina. Alternatively, recharge in the cozy seaside town of Airlie Beach with Abell Point Marina as your base.
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Abell Point Marina featuring sailing, a bay or harbour and a sunset

6. WILD LIFE Hamilton Island

WILD LIFE Hamilton Island is a small animal park that serves as a refuge for the local wildlife, including cassowaries, dingoes, crocodiles, pademelons and other species that tend to be tricky to spot in the wild.
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WILD LIFE Hamilton Island featuring cuddly or friendly animals and zoo animals

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