Nestled on the captivating Wheeler Island, often hailed as the Queen of the Thimble Islands, this beloved residence was designed with the sole purpose of providing an oasis of joy and relaxation. This magnificent island home boasts eight spacious bedrooms and features enchanting wrap-around porches that offer breathtaking views of Long Island Sound. Positioned on a three-quarter-acre rock, Wheeler Island provides an idyllic escape, combining the tranquility of nature with the comforts of modern living.
Embrace the allure of this private retreat, which comes complete with its own, albeit petite, beach—a perfect spot for a refreshing dip or the launch of kayaks to explore the scenic Island chain. Following a day of basking in the sun, feeling the warm sand beneath your feet, and absorbing the invigorating sea breeze, rejuvenate in the outdoor shower that adds a touch of luxury to your island experience.
The interior of the house is thoughtfully designed to cater to your every need. Choose to dine indoors in the well-appointed kitchen, featuring modern appliances, a convenient dishwasher, a double sink, and a gas stove, or savor your meals outdoors amid the natural beauty of the island, with a barbecue area and a welcoming fireplace to enhance your dining ambiance. Moreover, the house is equipped with a reliable generator, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted retreat.
Access to Wheeler Island is facilitated either by your own private boat or through the easily accessible public ferry service, which embarks on a short, scenic journey from Stoney Creek Harbor. For detailed directions to Stoney Creek Harbor and comprehensive information regarding the ferry service, as well as parking arrangements, we invite you to explore the Thimble Islands Ferry website at
This exceptional island getaway offers a variety of rental options to suit your preferences. During the summer months, indulge in the luxury of week-long rentals, while other times of the year welcome you with a minimum three-night stay to experience the charm and serenity that Wheeler Island has to offer.