Visit a festival or see churches, wealthy estates and forts in Cork, Ireland’s third most populated city. While Cork is now a peaceful city, mainly known for its lively arts scene and historic attractions, it was once caught up in territorial and religious battles. It earned its nickname of “Rebel City” after joining the House of York in the 15th-century War of the Roses. The name stuck when Cork engaged in the Irish War of Independence and ensuing Civil War. Another part of Cork’s history is tied to industry the city has been a meat export hub for centuries. Poor Irish residents used stockyard offal for home cooking. Today, adventurous eaters can try dishes such as drisheen (blood pudding) with tripe at the Old English Market. Cork City Gaol brings history to life with its real-looking wax figures. Cork’s Catholic Cathedral of St. Mary & St. Anne and the Protestant French-style Saint Fin Barre’s are focal points of the city’s strong religious identities.Over 30 bridges cross the River Lee as it flows through the city, creating the island upon which Cork’s city center is built. Travel by boat from nearby towns in County Cork to explore small islands and harbors. Charles Fort, above Kinsale Harbor in the south, has great views from its old bastions. Cobh, southeast of Cork, was the last port of call of the “unsinkable” Titanic. Bantry House and Garden, to the west, shows how wealthy earls lived and serves proper Irish cream tea. Travel 15 minutes north to kiss the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle.Annual cultural activities in Cork include the Midsummer festival, film festivals and literary gatherings. Stop by the Crawford Art Gallery where, on Saturday mornings, local artists display their work outside. At night, visit the Cork Opera House or meet locals in a pub that has live music.“Corcaigh,” as Cork is known to locals, is located in the southern Irish province of Munster. From Cork Airport and the Cork Kent railway station, shuttle buses depart for the city center. It takes about 3 hours from Dublin by train.
County Cork Travel Guide
Tourist Guide

Popular cities in County Cork
Known for Friendly people, Dining and Shopping
Reasons to visit
- University College Cork
- English Market
- Cork City Gaol
Known for Friendly people, Dining and Ports
This southern town was the final departure point of the doomed Titanic, a history it has kept alive with heritage centers, events and Titanic-themed experiences.
Reasons to visit
- Titanic Experience Cobh
- Cobh Cathedral
- Cobh Heritage Centre
Known for Dining, Bars and Ports
Reasons to visit
- Charles Fort
- James Fort
- Ringfinnan Garden of Remembrance
Known for Friendly people, Dining and Historical
Visit this charming town in County Cork and see a famous woolen mill and a 15th-century military stronghold with stunning gardens.
Reasons to visit
- Blarney Castle
- Blarney Stone
Known for Friendly people, Bars and Spas
Reasons to visit
- Inchydoney Island Beach
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