Hovedstaden Travel Guide
Tourist Guide

Popular cities in Hovedstaden
Known for Biking, Museums and Theatres
Denmark’s capital city oozes historic charm, laced with a cool contemporary vibe that's uniquely Scandinavian.
Reasons to visit
- Tivoli Gardens
- Copenhagen Opera House
- City Hall Square
Known for Art, Marinas and Natural parks
Stay in a coastal resort where you’ll see ancient ruins, rugged beauty and churches that date back hundreds of years.
Known for Historical, Castle and Art
Framed by long stretches of beach and verdant forests, this Danish port town is also home to a castle made famous in William Shakespeare.
Known for Art, Wildlife and Churches
Vacation on the east coast of the island of Bornholm in a place of wild scenery, beautiful beaches and a fascinating World War II past.
Cities in Hovedstaden

Copenhagen (and vicinity)
Denmark’s capital city oozes historic charm, laced with a cool contemporary vibe that's uniquely Scandinavian.

Home to Denmark’s national aquarium, this suburb in southern Copenhagen also has an attractive coastline, nature trails and an open-air swimming pool.
AkirkebyAlbertslundAllerodAllingeAlsgardeBaadstedBagsværdBalkaBalka StrandBallerupBedegaardBirkerodBoderneBrondbyCharlottenlundCopenhagen (and vicinity)DragorDronningmolleDueoddeDyssegårdEspergaerdeFarumFredensborgFrederiksbergFrederikssundFrederiksvaerkGentofteGillelejeGlostrupGraestedGudhjemHasleHedehuseneHellebaekHellerupHelsingeHelsingorHerlevHillerodHoje TaastrupHolteHornbaekHornsvedHorsholmHumlebaekHundestedHvidovreIshojJægersprisKastrupKlampenborgKlemenskerKokkedalKongens LyngbyKulhuseKvistgårdLiselejeLyngeMalovMelbyMunkerupNaerumNexøNexøNivaOlstedOlstykkeOster SomarkenRonneRungsted KystRågelejeRødovreSandkaasSandvigSkaevingeSkibbySkodsborgSlangerupSmørumSnekkerstenSnogebaekSoborgSpidsegårdStenloseStore MaglebySvanekeSømarkenTejnTikobTisvildelejeUdsholt SandVaerloseVallensaekVallensbæk StrandVedbaekVejbyVekso SjaellandVirumØstermarie