Pico Duarte Tours and Activities

Photo provided by Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic

Test yourself with a multi-day hike up the biggest peak in the Caribbean, enjoying breathtaking views of the Dominican landscape along the way.

The mighty Pico Duarte offers a challenge for committed hikers. This towering peak at the center of Hispaniola is the Caribbean’s tallest mountain. Pack up a backpack, find a guide and experience one of the most rewarding outdoor adventures in the Dominican Republic.

The Pico Duarte was first conquered in the 1800s by a British explorer, Sir Robert Hermann Schomburgk. Though its correct height was argued over for centuries, modern technologies have determined that Pico Duarte’s peak sits 10,164 feet (3,098 meters) above sea level. On a clear day, the views from the mountaintop stretch to all corners of the island.

Several trails offer different views and times for the climb to Pico Duarte’s peak. For an easier trek, take the trail from La Ciénega. This 28-mile (46-kilometer) round trip can be completed in two days, with well-maintained mountain shelters providing overnight lodging. Otherwise, take a multi-day challenge and hike from San Juan de la Maguana. This 4-day trek is led by local Dominican guides who cook meals, boil cocoa and help you set up camp each night. Those who don’t want to walk the distance can ride on mules for a fee.

As you walk, admire the breathtaking scenery and spot local wildlife. The mountains are populated with a variety of birds and iguanas that inhabit the rugged terrain. Enjoy being surrounded by shady trees and water springs where you can cool off after a hard day’s hiking.

To prepare for the trek, rent walking supplies and camping gear and hire a guide through agents in the villages surrounding the mountain. Otherwise, contact a local outfitter and have them organize everything for a price. Be clear with guides and do your research for the tours, so you know what you’re paying for.

La Ciénega, located north of Santo Domingo, is the main starting point for most treks to Pico Duarte. Get there by a 3-hour bus to Jarabacoa and then organize local transportation to the village. Trekking without a guide is prohibited.

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