Rathausplatz Tours and Activities
Visit Rathausplatz
Popular places to visit
Old Town Hall
Discover all that Freiburg has to offer at its historic town hall, today a conveniently located tourist information center.
In the center of Old Town, this statue is Freiburg’s popular meeting point, the perfect place to start any exploration of the city.
Freiburg Main Cathedral
Climb the steeple of Freiburg’s cathedral for views across the city. Admire its Gothic architecture with two feet on the ground.
The sprawling square outside Freiburg’s Gothic cathedral is the site of a marketplace, one of the city’s major attractions.
Martinstor Gate
Start your tour of the old town at this medieval gate, the oldest in Freiburg and the site of witch burnings during the 16th century.
Historical Merchants' Hall
A whole chapter of history is waiting to be uncovered from the distinctive façade of the building that was once Freiburg’s commercial center.