Saint-Bavo’s Cathedral is among the most well-known landmarks in Ghent. In this toweringcathedral see a stunning collection of centuries-old sculptures, religious artifacts and paintings,such as the famous Ghent Altarpiece, a polyptych panel painting with a rather unlucky history.
The cathedral was originally constructed in the 10th century in honour of Saint John. In the 11thcentury, this early wooden church was replaced by a Romanesque one, which was later replacedagain by the larger Gothic cathedral you see today. Be sure to visit the cathedral’s crypt, the onlyremnant of the earlier Romanesque church.
Admire the cathedral’s brick-and-granite exterior, which is a blend of Romanesque, Gothic andBaroque architectural styles. You may find the façade is not as impressive as some of the city’sother famous monuments, but the jumble of architectural styles is interesting nonetheless.
Inside, see the cathedral’s 17th-century Baroque organ, which is among the largest in the country.Look for the elegant 18th-century pulpit made from black oak, white marble and gilded wood.As you explore the chapels, study the beautiful 17th-century Rubens painting.
Don’t miss the cathedral’s greatest artistic masterpiece, The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. Alsoknown as the Ghent Altarpiece, this celebrated 24-panel painting was created by brothers, Hubertand Jan van Eyck, in the 15th century. The altarpiece has an intriguing history. It was taken toParis during the French Revolution, stolen by the Germans during World War II and eventuallyreturned back to its original home in Ghent.
Save time for the cathedral’s gorgeous Romanesque crypt, which houses tapestries, sculptures,paintings and religious antiquities. Notice the faint impressions of the crypt’s original frescos,which are visible on some of the arches. This crypt is the oldest part of the cathedral, dating backto the earlier Church of Saint John.
Admission to Saint-Bavo’s Cathedral and crypt is free, but there is a small fee to see the chapelthat holds The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. The cathedral is open daily, with some holidayclosures and shortened hours during winter.