Cheap Scoot (TR) Flights

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Singapore Changi Airport is the home base for Scoot flights transporting you to and from popular destinations across the world. Enjoy the savings of Scoot as a low-cost carrier without compromising comfort. A fleet of over 50 aircraft features perks including spacious economy seats and even rainbow mood lighting on Boeing 787 Dreamliners. Plus, you’ll sample Singaporean flavours and scrumptious desserts on the inflight menu.

How to find cheap Scoot flights

Book Expedia Scoot flights in just a few clicks! To find the best deals, enter your trip dates and compare prices. The more flexible you are with dates, the more chances you have at unlocking savings. Be spontaneous and make a last-minute Scoot flight booking to take advantage of deals. If you’re planning in advance, consider travelling during low tourist seasons in your chosen destination. As it’s in the low-cost carrier category, cheap Scoot flight tickets are always a possibility.

Top Scoot flight destinations

Fly into more than 60 destinations with Scoot flight deals, along with many more in the network combined with SilkAir and Singapore Airlines. Explore the ancient wonders of Athens and admire the futuristic skylines of Tokyo. Touch down in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City and continue to Hanoi. Exploring India is easy, with Scoot flights to 6 amazing cities, including Chennai for temples and British-era architecture and Coimbatore for waterfalls and hill stations.

What to expect with Scoot flight deals

Scoot flights offer a great deal if you prefer to carry cabin baggage only, with an automatic 10 kg allowance across 2 pieces of luggage. Plus, you’ll be out of the airport in no time without waiting for checked baggage. Depending on your fare, checked baggage may be included in the price or added for additional fees for up to 40 kg. Sporting equipment, including surfboards and golf clubs, count towards the pre-purchased baggage allowance. Cancellations, refunds and date changes are subject to conditions. Check the Scoot manage booking section for details.

Airline Information

Airline Name
Airline Code
Roundtrip price

Frequently asked questions

How do I find cheap Scoot flights that have flexible change policies?
You just need to choose the No change fee filter when you search for bargain Scoot flights on Expedia. There’s no penalty if you have to alter your travel plans, although you’ll have to pay any airfare difference.
Which destinations does Scoot fly to?
Scoot can fly you to destinations throughout Asia, Middle East, Europe and more. Book a flight with this renowned airline and take your pick of 184 captivating cities for your next travel adventure. Pick up Scoot flight deals on Expedia to top spots like Bang Phli and Sepang and use the dough you save on sightseeing and fun activities.
Why fly with Scoot?
If a rewarding loyalty program and top-tier customer service are things you look for in a carrier, book a flight with Scoot. With its hub at Changi Airport (SIN) and a fleet of 59 aircraft flying to sought-after destinations, it’s a favorite among many passengers. Expedia has some of the best Scoot flight deals around when it’s time to experience someplace new.
What can I expect from a Scoot flight?
The majority of Scoot flights feature drinks and snacks, an in-flight entertainment system and WiFi. Wherever you’re going, you’ll find the best Scoot airfare deals with Expedia.
How can I get a cheap last-minute Scoot flight on Expedia?
Walking away with last-minute Scoot flight deals is as easy as being flexible with your departure and arrival dates. Look up our great offers on our great last minute flights deals or key in your desired dates and compare low prices on Scoot fares.
How can Expedia help with my Scoot booking?
You can look up your flight status and much more with the Expedia App. Our free app lets you easily manage your itinerary and receive instant trip updates, from flight delays to gate numbers. It’s also the place to find fabulous deals on rental cars and accommodations, as well as cheap Scoot flights with Expedia. Book whatever you need while you’re out and about and earn double the Expedia Rewards points while you’re at it.
Can I earn and redeem miles with my Scoot flight?
The Scoot rewards program, singapore airlines krisflyer, lets you earn points when flying with the airline, credit cards and more. Buying airline tickets with Expedia can also earn you mileage. To find out if you’re eligible, click on your loyalty program in the dropdown menu at the checkout stage and key in your membership details. Another way to collect points is to join our free Expedia Rewards program. With Expedia, you can organize a dream break, reap the rewards and save your hard-earned money.
What rules does Scoot have in terms of hand luggage allowance?
A standard Scoot international fare includes 2 cabin bags per traveler. Your hand baggage can weigh up to 33lbs per piece and have maximum dimensions of 21in x 9in x 14in. For the exact rules, review your Scoot plane ticket before packing. Size and weight allowances may differ based on certain factors, such as the cabin class you’re in or type of aircraft.
What is Scoot's checked-in luggage allowance?
With international Scoot tickets, you can take at least 1 cabin bag. Weight and size limitations can vary due to a number of factors. However as a general rule, your checked luggage should have maximum dimensions of 62in total. The total weight should not exceed 44lbs per bag. Allowances may depend on the cabin class you’re traveling in or aircraft type, so look over your Scoot itinerary or connect with Scoot customer service for the most relevant advice.
How can I check in for Scoot flights?
Get your trip started by using the Scoot website or Scoot app to check in for your flight. Both platforms allow you to select your favorite seat, manage your booking and more. For most international and domestic services, online check in is available from 2 days to 1 hour before departure. Keep in mind that you may need to check in at the airport when traveling to some international destinations.
*Available to Expedia members.