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- The things to do in Puncak are not only topnotch, but they won't cost an arm and a leg. We have 4 things to do here, and you can get them starting at just AU$15. Get your favourite tours and excursions on Expedia Australia at a great rate, and you'll still have enough cash for a dream hotel or luxurious meal while you're visiting.
- Puncak is a favourite among thrillseekers. In fact, a good percentage of travellers are raving about the city's accommodation and have been visiting to check out local hot spots and find the top activities. The most loved activities can earn the curiosity of even experienced globetrotters, and it's easy to see why. Our inventory includes a wide range of culture and excitement. From eating excursions to trips in the great outdoors, there are tons of opportunities to choose from when you browse the list of activities here at Expedia Australia.
You'll need a bit of planning to fully explore Puncak, especially when you want to pack in trips to museums and outdoor activities. And it's evident that you don't want to hunker down in your hotel room you're ready to get out and see what life is like for locals. You want to cover the most essential activities around, and an exploration of historic city neighbourhoods is what you love best. Our activities are the ideal way to organise your getaway. Book guided tours on Expedia Australia, and you may find all that you are looking for and more.