What to do in Schwöb

Activities, attractions and tours

Schwöb Tourist Attractions & Activities

If you’re searching for an exciting holiday, count on Expedia.com.au to help you find interesting attractions, enlightening experiences, and tons of other fun things to do in Schwöb AU$53. From first-rate tours to incredible deals on sightseeing trips – our extensive selection of local things to do and places to visit is just a few clicks away.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re travelling alone, alongside your main squeeze, or with your favourite friends or family members, Expedia has the inside scoop on what to see and do while in this corner of the world. And our search tool makes it simple to score the best deals around. So regardless of if you are on a tight budget or prefer to spare no expense, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for by browsing over 51 activities in Schwöb, Schoenau am Koenigssee.

The intuitive booking system here on Expedia.com.au makes planning your holiday easier—and more affordable—than ever before. And not only can you discover all the best Schwöb attractions from AU$53, but you can also book flights, hire cars, and reserve hotel rooms all in just a few moments. A world of wonder awaits you and your travelling companions. Count on Expedia.com.au to help you plan the holiday of your dreams, and you’ll have the time of your life.

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Top places to visit

1. Mirabell Palace and Gardens

In Italian, ‘mirabile’ means amazing. And the Mirabell Palace, tucked up between the Salzach River and the rising peak of the Kapuzinerberg, is certainly that. Built, as so many of Salzburg's palaces were, by one of the city's Prince Archbishops, it has been a lovers' hideaway, a Baroque glory and a neoclassical summer-home for the Emperor. The Palace remains a sumptuous temple to love inside—its famed Marble Staircase the ultimate prop for many weddings. But it's the outside that grabs the attention first. The Mirabell gardens are some of the most elegantly arranged in Salzburg.
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Conceived as a palace for a mistress, the Mirabell Palace remains a splendid setting for love matches, its elegant lawns often decked with brides and grooms.

2. Salzburg Cathedral

In a city of dramatic vistas and astounding buildings, it takes a church of epic imagination to stand out amongst all the spectacle. Salzburg Cathedral (Salzburger Dom) manages that challenge with consummate ease—a cathedral scaled to fit in among Salzburg's rearing mountains and fortresses, while quietly outshining them with its bold Baroque design. Best-known for its superb 70-metre high copper-green dome, the Dom has always been at the heart of city's religious and social life.
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Salzburg Cathedral which includes heritage elements, religious aspects and interior views

3. Saalbach-Hinterglemm Ski Resort

Enjoy an action-packed vacation of year-round sporting activities at Saalbach-Hinterglemm Ski Resort. The resort sits in the Glemm Valley, which is part of the Austrian Alps. It’s encompassed by three striking mountain ranges, including the majestic Kitzbühler Alps. Make the most of the resort’s excellent facilities as you enjoy the various activities offered by the winter Ski Circus. Return in summer to hike, bike and swim amid a breathtaking landscape of alpine pastures, rugged peaks and fields of wildflowers.
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Saalbach-Hinterglemm Ski Resort featuring mist or fog, snow and mountains

4. Mozart's Birthplace

Mozart’s Birthplace (Mozarts Geburthaus) is the childhood home of one of the world’s most famous and prodigious composers, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Following his birth in 1756, Mozart lived here with his family until 1773. Mozart’s Birthplace became a museum in 1880 and has acquired numerous original artifacts from the composer’s widow and children. It presents a fascinating insight into the upbringing, life and talent of a musical genius.
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Mozart\'s Birthplace which includes music and interior views

5. Fortress Hohensalzburg

The Festung Hohensalzburg is a picture-perfect ideal of a medieval castle. With its many turrets and towers, broad walls and fluttering flags—all standing proud atop the forest-clad Festungsberg mountain—it begs to be snapped. The castle's towers soar another 30 metres above the 240-metre mountain, dominating the skyline of Salzburg's Altstadt (or Old Town quarter). This is a fortress that looks impregnable. And it probably was. It only ever came under serious siege by irate townsfolk, in 1525, during the German Peasants War. They failed to breach the Festung Hohensalzburg, and the 'High Salzburg Fortress' survives to this day, undefeated, and relatively unscathed by war.
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Fortress Hohensalzburg featuring landscape views

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