What to do in Windhoek

Activities, attractions and tours


Windhoek Tourist Attractions & Activities

Never one to shy away from imaginative ways to get inspired and expand your horizons, you're prepared to investigate an exciting destination from top to bottom. It's not hard to fill an itinerary, because Expedia Australia makes it a breeze to book tons of things to do. Reserve your activities now, and all you'll have left to do is count the days until your trip and dream about all the places you'll go!

  • Book your favourite activities and day trips on Expedia Australia for significant savings, and you'll still have money for a fancy hotel or decadent dinner while you're in town. The activities in Windhoek are not only among the best, but they won't cost an arm and a leg. We have 46 things to do here, and you can make them yours starting at just AU$16.
  • Windhoek is a favourite among adventurers similar to yourself. In fact, a good percentage of travellers are raving about the city's accommodation and have been visiting to check out local hot spots and find the top activities. The top activities can catch the enthusiasm of even experienced travellers, and one look at our inventory explains why. Our collection includes a wide range of entertainment and thrills. From eating excursions to exploring mother nature, there are tons of opportunities to choose from when you browse the inventory of activities here at Expedia Australia.

You'll need a game plan to make the most of a trip to Windhoek, especially when you want to include lots of food and entertainment. And it's evident that you're someone who likes to get out and about you're excited to get out and have an adventure. You're ready to sign up for the most essential activities around, and a quiet day exploring local neighbourhoods is an adventure all its own. Our activities are the perfect way to organise your getaway. Book professional regional tours on Expedia Australia, and leave your map behind.

Explore thousands of activities with free cancellation and no added fees.

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Most fun & popular experiences in Windhoek

Private & custom tours

See all 14 activities

Tours & day trips

See all 44 activities

Food, drink & nightlife

See all 4 activities

What to do in Windhoek

Discover the most popular places to visit in Windhoek

Explore areas of Windhoek

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Windhoek West

When in Windhoek West, you can plan a visit to Train Station and Christ Church, some noteworthy sights in the nearby area.

Windhoek West


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