Antiguo Palacio Federal

This white government building, which houses fascinating art exhibitions, rises above the city’s parapet and stands in contrast to the surrounding buildings.

The Antiguo Palacio Federal (Old Federal Palace) is one of Monterrey’s most iconic buildings and a striking example of post-revolutionary architecture. Many rooms of the palace are still used for government activity, although a large section is dedicated to an art gallery. Explore the majestic palace to admire its design and tour the art exhibitions.

The grand structure has a protruding central tower that rises above the surrounding region. Notice the whitewashed façade, which is a stark contrast from the pink stone buildings along the nearby Explanada de los Heroes (Esplanade of Heroes).

Admire the simplicity of the architecture with its many straight lines and angles. The palace, which was built from reinforced concrete, is regarded as the first building of modern design in the city. Construction began on the building in 1928 and it underwent a major refurbishment in 1963.

At night, you can see the tower illuminated in white light. It is one of the most recognizable sights in the city. Ascend one side of the double staircase and access the building through the arched entrance. Climb to the top of the tower to enjoy the scenic vista of the city below you.

Arrange a tour of the building to explore inside. Admire the vintage furniture and high-ceilinged rooms. Browse the works of art on display in the showrooms of the Conarte Gallery and see architectural exhibitions. Events, conferences and awards ceremonies are also held in the gallery.

The Antiguo Palacio Federal is located in the heart of downtown Monterrey. It is easy to reach by metro from most parts of the city. The palace is open to the public on weekdays from morning until late afternoon.

Many of Monterrey’s most famous attractions are nearby. Across the street, you will find the Palacio de Gobierno (Government Palace), the Iglesia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) and the Gobierno del Estado de Nuevo León (State Government of Nuevo León).