A stroll through this peaceful, colorful garden is the highlight of a trip to Tokyo at any time of year. It is especially popular for the cherry blossoms of spring.
At the center of Japan’s gaming, manga and anime culture, this district is also the place where much of the world’s latest technology first hits the market.
Once home to feudal lords, this area now hosts Japan’s royal family, headquarters of multinational companies and, by night, some of the city’s liveliest nightlife.
At the center of Japan’s gaming, manga and anime culture, this district is also the place where much of the world’s latest technology first hits the market.
Named after a silver-coin mint, this district has a long association with affluence. Today it’s where you’ll find some of Japan’s most upmarket labels, restaurants and galleries.
Named after a silver-coin mint, this district has a long association with affluence. Today it’s where you’ll find some of Japan’s most upmarket labels, restaurants and galleries.
This Tokyo suburb is the long-standing center of Tokyo’s youth and cosplay culture and the place to shop, snack, people-watch and glimpse the future of fashion.
Named after a silver-coin mint, this district has a long association with affluence. Today it’s where you’ll find some of Japan’s most upmarket labels, restaurants and galleries.
At the center of Japan’s gaming, manga and anime culture, this district is also the place where much of the world’s latest technology first hits the market.