With an intriguing history that touches on Ernest Hemingway and the Lost Generation of writers, this stately mansion today houses the college’s president.
The history of the people of Michigan is presented across five levels of exhibits at this museum that charts the story of the state from its earliest days through to the 21st century.
Extravagant and exceptional, the Moon House of the Lansing Community College campus features a restored cylindrical turret, elegant portico and pretty gardens.
Pause for a break from sightseeing in central Lansing by resting in this quiet park with interesting monuments, river views and convenient local amenities.
Extravagant and exceptional, the Moon House of the Lansing Community College campus features a restored cylindrical turret, elegant portico and pretty gardens.
The history of the people of Michigan is presented across five levels of exhibits at this museum that charts the story of the state from its earliest days through to the 21st century.
Extravagant and exceptional, the Moon House of the Lansing Community College campus features a restored cylindrical turret, elegant portico and pretty gardens.
Extravagant and exceptional, the Moon House of the Lansing Community College campus features a restored cylindrical turret, elegant portico and pretty gardens.