The Travel Edit: Deals and inspiration

This week's round-up of deals and ideas for your next trip

On a sandy beach by the ocean, two people sit on a beach chair and a towel while a smiling third person arranges a towel.

Stays with sunshine and savings

Plan an autumn city or beach getaway and save with Member Prices.

Highlights you may have missed

Discover 6 unforgettable trips to kick start 2025
Kick off the travel year with one of these unforgettable trips. 
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Frequently asked questions

How do you score great hotel deals? 
If you are scouring the net for cheap accommodation, or are trying to snap up cheap last-minute hotels, get an Expedia membership in minutes. With Expedia hotel deals, you'll have fast-tracked VIP access to seasonal Member Prices, last-minute accommodation and cheap rooms galore.  
How does this members-only hotel deals thing work? 
Sign up for an Expedia Rewards membership to get access to last-minute hotel deals your neighbour can only dream about. Members get exclusive deals to book hotels: cheap as chips and easy as pie. Hotels worldwide take part and you get access to our travel discounts instantly. You're part of the Expedia Rewards club, so with every cheap hotel room you book with your Expedia Rewards membership, you'll earn points to save even more next time around – meaning you can enjoy some of the best prices for hotels in the long run. 
How can I save money on my hotel booking? 
Expedia gives you tips and useful filters to secure the budget motel you've been dreaming about. If you're flexible with your travel dates, your suitcase is packed and ready or you're open to travelling in off-peak season, you immediately increase your chances of finding cheap last-minute hotels. 
Where should I book a hotel for my next holiday? 
Get yourself signed up and see which last-minute hotel deals might be waiting in store. Expedia has some of the best member hotel deals available around the world. You could bliss out with sensational food in Singapore or explore the Balinese jungle. Escape from the cold just in time for a European summer, with culture-rich destinations like Berlin and Barcelona calling your name. You might also be able to find a cheap all-inclusive hotel deal on Expedia.  
How can I find a budget hotel? 
Use Expedia's extensive sort and search filters to narrow down your preferences and set your price limits. Budget-friendly accommodation options aren't just limited to cheap hotel rooms – you can also find affordable holiday homes like apartments, villas, campsites and caravan parks can be a budget-friendly alternative, particularly for longer stays or for groups travelling together.  
How do I secure hotel discounts? 
Join Expedia Rewards to access some of the best hotel offers. Make a booking and earn points to unlock even more travel discounts. Get inspired by The Travel Edit and get excited about the seasonal members-only deals inside. Just sign up and sign in with Expedia Rewards! 2025 is the year to make it happen and enjoy some of the best hotel deals. 
How do I find last-minute hotel deals? 
Be as spontaneous as you like with Expedia last-minute hotel deals for all late hotel deals. Browse destinations to get ideas or go straight to your dream destination, put in your dates and use our filters to see which budget travel deals you can snap up on the spur of the moment! 
Can I cancel my hotel booking with Expedia? 
Circumstances change and the best laid travel plans often go awry. When you book a hotel deal on Expedia, check the conditions to find out more, as each booking has its own cancellation policy. For the ultimate flexibility when travelling, check out the deals marked with 'Free cancellation'. 
Why should I book my hotel deal with Expedia? 
Loads of destinations worldwide, plenty of search filters, thousands of cooperating hotels and the perks of being an Expedia Rewards member – these are all good reasons to plan Expedia as part of your travel adventure. We reward your loyalty with points and travel discounts and discounted hotel rooms to enjoy next time around. We're confident you'll be back for more. Sign up today for instant access to Expedia members-only hotel deals and discounts. 

Terms and Conditions

These offers are available to Expedia Rewards members and Expedia App users.
Prices displayed include promotional discounts referred to – discounts are applied to the standard rate on our site of selected hotels, as determined and supplied by the hotels.
Prices displayed include the promotional discount and are per room per night based on two people sharing a room, and including taxes and fees Blackout periods may apply and a minimum hotel stay may be required.
Blackout periods may apply and a minimum hotel stay may be required.
Please check individual hotel for details. Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice.
Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply.
Promoter: Expedia Inc., 1111 Expedia Group Way W., Seattle, WA 98119, USA.