A family sits in a canoe, rowing in shimmering green water, with tall trees and more canoes beneath a sunny blue sky  filling the background.

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Showing deals for:28 Feb - 2 Mar

What are the best deals for last-minute hotels?

Booking a hotel at the last minute is easy when you work with Expedia. We offer incredible last-minute deals that only apply when you're booking something less than 2 weeks out. Expedia has partnered with thousands of hotels to ensure that you're always getting the best deal that works best for your desired holiday experience. You can find destinations all over Australia, whether you want something luxurious or accommodation that's friendlier to your budget, including hotels in Gold Coast. What matters most is that you book the hotel that will facilitate the best holiday, and Expedia is the best place to find the last-minute deals you need.

How do I search for last-minute hotel deals?

On our site, you can easily search for all the deals you'll ever need with numerous filters available to narrow down your results. As you scour the results, you'll notice a green blurb above the listed cost. Within that blurb, you'll find the discount available on that particular accommodation represented by a percentage off the normal price.

How do I get an affordable last-minute hotel room?

If you want to prioritize affordability with your booking, you'll need to be flexible on dates and destinations. You'll always find available deals around Australia, like hotels in Sydney, but they may not be in the specific locations you're looking for. Fortunately, it can be easy to get to your ideal destination from a nearby community with hotel deals. Alternatively, you can opt for a different city entirely.

Is it possible to cancel last-minute hotel reservations?

Not only is it possible to cancel your hotel reservations even when booking last-minute, but some last-minute hotels and holiday rentals even offer free cancellation. If your travel plans don't work out, you can cancel the booking without any issues if you see the words "free cancellation" in green listed on the hotel blurb on the search results page.

Terms and Conditions

Hotel only prices are for the stated travel period, based on twin share and include taxes and fees. Offers are subject to availability and change and may be discontinued without notice. Additional restrictions, minimum stays and blackout dates may apply. 

Flight fares may be non-refundable and are not transferable. Name changes may not be permitted.  Some airlines may charge a fee based on your payment method, the fee is not reflected in the ticket price. Fees may apply for checked baggage.  

Sample package prices include accommodation plus roundtrip airfare for travel during the stated period. Prices are per person, based on twin share of the lowest price room type at hotel and lowest available airfare, inclusive of compulsory taxes & fees. Prices will vary by date, departure city, and availability.

Prices displayed are for stays or flights on the specific dates shown.

Additional baggage charges may apply to flights and to packages, including flights provided by low-cost airlines.

Blackout periods may apply. Please check individual hotel or airline for details.

Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice. 

Please click through to individual deals to confirm prices, availability and applicable terms and conditions for those deals.

Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply: https://www.expedia.com.au/p/support/termsOpens in a new window.

COVID-19 travel alert: Please remember to check government advisories before booking and travelling.

Promoter: 1111 Expedia Group Way W., Seattle, WA 98119.