Book Now, Pay Later: No Deposit Hotels
Book your hotel now and pay later
Discover how "buy now, pay later" hotels on Expedia can make your dream holidays come true. Imagine securing your slice of paradise without the immediate financial pinch by paying for your hotel when you check in. Whether it's sipping margaritas by the sea in South Beach or enjoying the laid-back vibe of New Orleans, your dream holiday is out there waiting for you to book your hotel now and pay later.
Why book your hotel and pay later with Expedia?
Immediate booking, deferred payment
Make your dream escape a reality today by reserving now and paying later, whether you're travelling to Miami, Chicago or anywhere in between. When you book accommodation and pay later, you have the flexibility of making your plans in advance while still giving yourself time to save for your trip.
Flexibility meets convenience
Booking now and paying later means that you can benefit from much more flexible payments. Choose to pay at hotel check-in and you won't need to pay upfront when making your booking.
Empower your travel budget
Paying at the hotel when you check in gives you the opportunity to make your dreams of taking the kids to see Mickey Mouse in Orlando come true as you are in control of your budget.
Book now, pay later hotels with no deposit
Step 1: find your ideal hotel
Start your journey by browsing the hand-picked selection of deals on this page or by entering your destination—whether it's Pigeon Forge or Panama City Beach—and your dates into the search bar. Then, use the filters on the search page to narrow down the vast array of hotels to those that suit your needs. On each hotel's page, you can find out if they have a book now, pay later option, where you only pay at check-in. Alternatively, you can also use the "Reserve now, pay later" filter.
Step 2: confirm your payment choice
Enjoy full flexibility when you book through Expedia. If you want to pay at check-in, make sure to click "Pay at Property". This means you won't have to pay until you get there. Expedia offers a harmonious way to manage your travel expenses, so you can revel in your upcoming adventures in Puerto Rico, Myrtle Beach or wherever your travel dreams are taking you without the full financial commitment upfront.
Step 3: get ready for your holiday
All you need to do now is sit back, relax, and get ready for your holiday. When you choose "Reserve now, pay later" with Expedia, you don't need to lift a finger until check-in.
Do you pay for hotels before or after?
The days when you always had to pay for your hotel booking upfront are history. With "book now, pay later", you pay at check-in. Of course, if you want to pay in advance, you can. But with this handy option, it's not going to get in the way of a great trip. Now you can have the hotel stay you've always dreamed about, in destinations as iconic as Las Vegas, Nashville and London.
Can you book a hotel and pay later?
Absolutely, and it's a game-changer. The "book now, pay later" option means you can book that great hotel spot without emptying your bank account—just pay on arrival at the hotel. By booking now and paying later, you give yourself the breathing room to manage your money in a way that suits your life and your schedule. So go ahead and commit to that dream hotel, whether it's in Ocean City or Atlantic City, and rest easy knowing that payment is on your terms. It's smart, it's simple and it's how you make travel work for you.
What does pay later mean when booking a hotel?
This option confirms your room is secured, but it hits the pause button on payment, giving you the power to plan a holiday in awesome places like Atlanta or San Diego without the pressure. It's a great strategy for savvy travellers who crave the thrill of adventure without an immediate dent in their wallet. You get the joy of anticipation, plus the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can budget and pay on a timeline that fits your financial flow. It's not just a booking; it's a promise of future fun without the financial fuss.
How can I book a hotel and pay later?
Booking a hotel and embracing the "pay later" philosophy is a breeze. First, browse the deals on this page to find a hotel that suits your needs in your destination of choice. When you select your room, choose "pay later", then head to checkout to secure your spot without spending a cent upfront. You pay when you arrive at your hotel.
What hotels can you book now, pay later?
The "book now, pay later" feature is your passport to a world of hotels that cater to forward-thinking travellers. From boutique hideaways in New York to luxurious resorts in Florida, the options are as vast as the globe itself. Just browse the many options on this page or use the filters to sift through a treasure trove of establishments and click on your ideal hotels to find the ones that will let you book now and pay later.
Where can I book a hotel and pay later?
The "book now, pay later" option is designed to enhance your travel experience by providing flexibility and convenience. When you navigate through the vast array of hotels, you'll find numerous properties where you secure your booking immediately but pay on arrival.
Can I pay cash at a hotel after online booking?
Yes, paying cash at the hotel after booking online is possible, depending on the hotel's specific policies. When you opt for the "book now, pay later" feature, many hotels give you the flexibility to defer your payment until arrival. This means you can secure your reservation online and then choose to settle the bill in cash when you check in. It's a great option if you prefer handling transactions in cash or don't want to use a credit card for travel expenses. Always check the hotel's payment options when you're booking to ensure that you can pay in cash on arrival.
Terms & Conditions:
Sample hotel prices are for the stated travel period per night, based on twin share of the lowest price room type, including taxes and other fees.
Save on participating properties with savings as marked.
All offers are subject to availability and change and may be discontinued without notice.
Additional restrictions including minimum stay, blackout dates, available room types and advance purchase may apply.
Please check individual hotel for details.
Hotel-specific conditions may apply and are notified prior to booking.
Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply.
Promoter: 1111 Expedia Group Way W., Seattle, WA 98119.