Listen to a tour guide through your smartphone as you explore incredible Banff!
On this 5 km (return) sightseeing tour, you'll explore Banff's past and present as we point out historical buildings, sculptures, sights & attractions.
Highlights include the Banff Administration Building, Luxton Home Museum, Central Park & the Cascades of Time Gardens! Don't just see the beauty of Banff, hear what it has to say!
GPS map shows where you are and where to go next. As you get close, tour guide commentary automatically plays.
The tour also comes with a fun location based trivia game. After the commentary plays, look at your device and tap your answer.
Keep the professional tour guide experience, ditch crowded tour groups, tight schedules & high prices.
Enjoy anytime, not just on your booking date. Stop & start anywhere along route.
The number of travellers you select is the number of devices you can download the tour to.