Checkpoint Charlie was the central point at which soldiers and diplomats crossed the Berlin Wall. It provided an opportunity for disaffected to cross into either East or West Germany (usually the latter). Today, the only reminder of Berlin being such a divided city is the infamous sign that still hangs here today that simply reads “You are now leaving the American sector”.
The Cold War and Berlin Wall divided Berlin between 1961 and 1989, and Checkpoint Charlie today still gives indication of this divisive period of German history. The site contains a guardhouse which replicates the real-world conditions that existed at that time. It is a reminder of the fear and repression with which Berliners of the time coped on a daily basis.
After the Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961, Checkpoint Charlie became not only a major crossing point, but also the focal point for a tense stand-off that took place between Russian and American tanks shortly after the wall was constructed. Luckily, the guards that exist today are merely actors, and are happy pose for photos if requested. Token photographs aren’t the only souvenirs on offer here. It is possible to get hold of a variety of Cold War themed souvenirs at the large number of stalls located nearby.
Like many other similar tourist attractions, Checkpoint Charlie has a museum attached, where you can learn more about this stormy period in European history. Opened just a year after the wall was erected, back in 1962, the “Haus Am Checkpoint Charlie” Museum has been documenting the socio-political implications of the Berlin Wall, and specifically Checkpoint Charlie, ever since. It covers both the political and personal, mixing personal stories and evocative photographs with a selection of material from many of the daring escape plots which took place. There are also numerous artifacts from these escapes. The museum also includes a cafe, although there are many eateries located close by as well.
Checkpoint Charlie is located on Friedrichstrasse in central Berlin. Checkpoint Charlie is easily reached via the Kochstrasse U-Bahn station.