At Canberra’s National Dinosaur Museum, travel back in time to an age when awesome, fascinating creatures roamed the planet. Journey from the beginnings of life on earth through to the reign of dinosaurs and on to the Ice Age, when giant woolly mammoths stomped the earth.
Gaze up at huge detailed models of dinosaurs with bared teeth as they stand guard, towering over you just inside the front door. Walk bravely through the gaping monstrous mouth of T-rex to get inside the museum. See 300 individual fossils and 23 complete skeletons posed alongside lively animatronic models.
The dinosaurs themselves form only one part of the museum. Separate from dinos, discover a huge collection of fossils and other artifacts to help you learn about Australia’s unique prehistoric past. See the displays of animals that have lived on the earth and under the sea for millions of years. A highlight of the visit is the Stegodon, which was a relative of mammoths and has huge 3.6-metre (12-foot) curved tusks.
Encourage your children to learn all about the dinosaurs from the displays set up for easy access and understanding. Numerous hands-on exhibits and photo opportunities provide added fun. Next to the remains and artifacts, see large murals depicting the story of prehistoric life. Touch a real bone from a dinosaur that lived 150 million years ago and feel the texture of a real meteorite. You are quite likely to learn something new about the planet’s previous occupiers.
Browse the large museum shop and find educational gifts, posters, souvenirs, fossils, minerals and crystals. Outside, stroll through the Dinosaur Garden amongst additional fibreglass models, startlingly bold and lifelike.
The National Dinosaur Museum is a beloved family destination in Canberra, attracting thousands of visitors every year. For extra educational value for adults and kids alike, join a free guided tour. Find the museum in Gold Creek Village along a highway on the edge of the city. Access free parking on site or arrive by regular bus services. The museum is open 7 days a week and has an entry fee.