Emanuel AME Church Tours and Activities
Visit Emanuel AME Church
Popular places to visit
Commodore Theatre
See the latest blockbuster in art deco style at this historic movie theater, complete with state-of-the-art digital projection equipment and a full dining menu.
Children's Museum of Virginia
Toddlers through tweens can imagine, explore, discover and play at this hands-on museum complete with antique train exhibit and full-dome planetarium.
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum
Dive into coastal Virginia’s naval history at this expertly curated waterfront museum with ship models and artifacts from the 1700s through the 1900s.
Town Point Park
Escape to an urban waterfront park for relaxation, historic appreciation and hours of fun-filled activities.
Hampton Roads Naval Museum
Find out about the intriguing Naval history in the region through the LEGO displays, replica ship models and fascinating exhibits.
Nauticus National Maritime Center
Learn, touch and observe at the waterfront maritime science museum dedicated to Norfolk’s naval history.